Cerebral Mucormycosis without Rhino-Orbital Involvement in a Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease
AUTHORS: Ananya Das, Anantha Krishnan P, Prasan Kumar Panda, Avneet Kumar Gupta.
JASPI December 2023/ Volume 1/Issue 1
Das A, P AK, Panda PK, Gupta AK. Cerebral Mucormycosis without Rhino-Orbital Involvement in a Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease. JASPI. 2023;1(1):34-37 DOI: 10.62541/jaspi002
Isolated cases of cerebral mucormycosis demand high clinical suspicion and prompt diagnosis and treatment. In the present case, the patient was a young diagnosed case of chronic kidney disease (CKD) for two years on maintenance hemodialysis, presented with symptoms of headache and increased intracranial pressure, which necessitated both emergency surgical and medical management and was both diagnosed and managed efficiently. Early recognition of clinical and radiological cues with early institution of a medico-surgical approach, with proper containment of underlying predisposing conditions, is vital for managing mucormycosis. The case elucidates that mucormycosis can present as an isolated cerebral abscess without rhino-orbital involvement. CKD should be considered as a possible immunocompromised state predisposing to mucormycosis.