Delayed Diagnosis of Vasopressor-induced Symmetrical Peripheral Gangrene in Septic Shock Patient

AUTHORS: Rachna Rohilla*, Deepak Chaudhary, Abhimanyu Agarwal, Preeti Singh Dhoat

JASPI March 2024/ Volume 2/Issue 1

Jan- March 31, 2024

Rohilla R, Chaudhary D, Agarwal A, Dhoat PS.Delayed Diagnosis of Vasopressor-induced Symmetrical Peripheral Gangrene in Septic Shock Patient. JASPI. 2024;2(1):36-40 DOI: 10.62541/jaspi013


Vasopressors are powerful vasoconstrictors used in critically ill patients to raise blood pressure after volume resuscitation attempts fail. These medications, while life-saving, carry the risk of serious and under-reported side effect digital ischemia, and gangrene due to decreased digital perfusion. We here present a case of vasopressin-induced digital gangrene in a female patient who underwent elective surgery for nephrolithiasis without any pre-existing peripheral vascular disease or smoking. The patient developed bilateral upper and lower limb symmetrical acronecrosis. The causality assessment as per the World Health Organisation – Uppsala Monitoring Centre scale was suggestive of “Possible adverse” event. In the index case, the patient denied surgical intervention, eventually developed multiorgan failure and died of cardiopulmonary arrest. Although lifesaving, vasopressors due to alpha constricting activity can cause severe limb ischemia with dreadful consequences. These drugs should be used judiciously with careful monitoring and tapering as soon as possible when the condition improves. The consequences could be dreadful if timely surgical intervention and measures are not taken.

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