
Submit New Manuscript here

JASPI: Instructions to authors (New Submissions)

Manuscript Submission
All manuscripts and other files must be submitted by the Google form link provided in the

Files for submission
Files have to be submitted/uploaded as separate Microsoft Word Documents as follows:
The main manuscript file SHOULD NOT contain any identifier of authors or their affiliations to allow
double-blinded peer review.

1) Cover Letter
2) First Page File
3) Main Manuscript (without Authors’ names and affiliations) with embedded Tables and Figures
4) Filled out the ICMJE Disclosure Form.
Please rename the files as following before uploading: Last name of Corresponding Author[underscore] Type of file. For example; Singh_ First Page File.
Types of articles (word limits, references, keywords, etc.)

Article Types

Number of Authors

Word limit (excluding Abstract and References)


Key words

Number of References

Tables and/or Figures


Word limit

Original articles

No limit

Up to 3500


Up to 350

3 to 7

Up to 50

Maximum 5 

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

No limit

Up to 5000


Up to 350

3 to 7

Up to 100

Maximum 5

Narrative Review

No limit

Up to 5000


Up to 350

3 to 7

Up to 100

Maximum 5

Infectious Diseases Cases/Vignettes 


Up to 1500


Up to 250

3 to 7

Up to 20

Maximum 3

Brief Communication


Up to 1500


Up to 250

3 to 7

Up to 20

Maximum 3

Letter to Editor


Up to 500




Up to 10

Maximum 2



Up to 1200




Up to 15

Maximum 2

Preparation of the manuscript and other files
Cover Letter
All submissions must be accompanied by a Cover Letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief and duly signed by the corresponding author. The letter should explain why the submitted manuscript is unique/novel, how it contributes to the body of knowledge about the topic, why it is appropriate for JASPI, and why it would interest JASPI readers.

First Page File
The first page fine should include the following information in the given order.
1.  Type of article: Original article/ Systematic Review and Meta-analysis/ Narrative Review/ Infectious
Diseases Cases or Vignettes/ Brief Communication/ Letter to Editor/ Editorial/ Others

2.  The Title of the manuscript should be written as a running sentence (DO NOT enter the title in all caps
or include a period at the end). Acronyms, initialisms or abbreviations (except commonly used ones
like HIV, DNA, etc) are discouraged for the article title.

3.  Running Title (Up to 50 characters)

4.  Authors’ information: Include authors’ names and affiliations in the following format. Please follow
ICMJE recommendations for the inclusion of contributors as authors. Contributors with significant
contributions to the manuscript but not satisfying the authorship criteria may be acknowledged under
the Acknowledgment heading.
Rahul Acharya1, Dinesh Mishra2, Abhijit Mukherjee3
1 Department of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, City, Country
2 Department of Pharmacology, National Institute of Medical Science, City, Country
3 Department of Microbiology, School of Medicine, City, Country

5.  Corresponding Author: Mention full name, designation, affiliation, ORCID ID, address for
correspondence, Email ID and contact number.

6. Its a mandatory to provide ORCID ID by each author to get DOI and indexing.

7.  Number of Words: Mention separately for the main text (excluding References) and the Abstract.

8.  Number of References

9.  Number of Tables

10.  Number of Figures

11.  Ethical Permission: Please mention the name of the Ethical body/committee which approved the study
with the Letter number (for all original articles).

12.  Acknowledgement

13.  Conflict of Interest Statement: Please mention “Authors declare no conflict of interests” if none exists

14.  Source of Funding: Please mention all funding sources with reference number (if applicable)

15.  Presentation in previous meetings/ conferences: If YES, provide details.

16.  Authors’ Contributions: Authors should write an author statement paragraph outlining their
contributions to the manuscript.
Author X: Conceptualization; Data curation; Analysis; Writing the draft
Author Y: Investigation; Methodology; Resources
Author Z: Supervision, Validation, Review & editing.

17. Declaration for the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in scientific writing: With the increasing use of AI in scientific papers, authors must now declare the use of any AI tool for writing the manuscript. Authors are strongly advised to use such technologies only for editing purposes (Grammatical corrections, etc) or to improve readability. Under no circumstances should authors use such technologies in an unethical manner. All manuscripts will be rigorously examined to find AI-generated sentences or phrases and will be summarily rejected if they contain such sentences or phrases.

Main Manuscript
The Main Manuscript should be prepared in the following order.

Original Articles 

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Narrative Review

Infectious Diseases Cases/Vignettes

Brief Communication

Structured Abstract

Key words







Tables with Legends

Figures with Legends

Structured Abstract

Key words







Tables with Legends

Figures with Legends

Unstructured Abstract

Key words




Tables with Legends

Figures with Legends

Unstructured Abstract

Key words


Case Report




Tables with Legends

Figures with Legends

Unstructured Abstract

Key words







Tables with Legends

Figures with Legends

References within the text must be cited sequentially using superscript numbers within parentheses after the period. Please follow the paragraph mentioned below for in-text citations. E.g., An academic journal or scholarly journal is a periodical publication in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published.

1 Academic journals serve as permanent and transparent forums for
the presentation, scrutiny, and discussion of research.
2-4 They nearly universally require peer review or other
scrutiny from contemporaries competent and established in their respective fields.
3,5 Content typically includes
articles presenting original research, review articles, or book reviews.1, 4, 6-7

For the list of references, please follow the style of referencing mentioned below. References must be listed in
the American Medical Association referencing style with all author names, up to six authors (For more than six
authors, names of the first three authors should be mentioned, followed by et al.).

1. Citing a journal article: Mukherjee JP, Simpson P, Magakarios K, et al. The treatment of Gianotti Crosti syndrome with immunosuppressives. JASPI 2022;315:341–347.

2. Citing a chapter in a book: Das A, Banerjee T. Infection Control and Prevention: An imperative core component in the Maternal and Child Health. In: Duncan LT, eds. Advances in Health and Disease. New York: Nova Science Publishers; 2022:91–124.

3. Citing a book: Riegelman RK, Kirkwood B. Public Health 101: Healthy People–Healthy Populations. 2nd ed. Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2015.

4. Citing a website or webpage: Zarefsky M. What sets back care for transgender students in the exam room. American Medical Association. Published June 24, 2022. Accessed September 9, 2022. am-room.

Tables should be cited sequentially within the text. Tables should be added in the main manuscript after ‘References’ and before ‘Figures’. Each table should start on a new page and must accompany a caption. Any abbreviation used in the table should be expanded in the footnote. Other footnotes may also be added in a sequential order.

Figures should be cited sequentially within the text. Figures should be submitted as JPG/JPEG or PNG files embedded in the manuscript. Photographs or radiographs, drawings, graphs, charts, and flow diagrams may be considered figures. Figure legends should describe the figure and/or each lettered part (A, B, etc.). All figures should be original and should not be adopted from previous publications. Please follow the following specifications for the figures. 

Separate figures with the following specifications may be asked during the copyediting stage.

For Artwork or line diagrams: 1200 dpi

For images: 600 dpi

Figures should be edited/cropped to their final size (approximately 8.75 cm for a single column and up to 17.5 cm for a double column)

File size: 10MB or less

Signed copy of ICMJE Disclosure Form

Please submit a duly filled ICMJE Disclosure Form with the main manuscript and other files.

Editing Instructions for the Manuscript File
1. Font type: Times New Roman (Uniformly for Headings and the text)
2. Font size: 12 (for the text). Please refer to the font sizes of different heading levels under points 6 to 9.
3. Line spacing: 1.5
4. Page margin: 2.5 cm uniformly on all sides (up, down, right, left)
5. Table: Plain table created in MS Word with unaligned text. Please avoid merging columns and rows
6. First level heading (e.g., Manuscript Title): Centred, Bold, Uppercase, Font size 14
7. Second level heading (e.g., Abstract, Introduction, References, etc.): Flush left, Bold, Title case, Font
size 12. The text under this heading should start as a new paragraph.
8. Third level heading (e.g., Study Design, Statistical Analyses, etc., under a Second level Heading like
“Methodology”) under a second level heading (e.g., Assessment): Flush left, Bold, Italics, Title case,
Font size 12. The text under this heading should start as a new paragraph.
9. Fourth level heading (if any, required under the third level): Indented, Bold, Title case, Font size 12,
ending with a colon/period. The text should begin on the same line and continue as a regular paragraph.
10. Do not underline for heading or subheading.
11. Paginate the pages of the Main Manuscript (at the bottom centre of the page)
12. Use continuous line numbering for the Main Manuscript only.

                                                                                   JASPI: Instructions to authors (Revised Manuscript)

Manuscript Submission
After revision by authors and other files, all manuscripts should be submitted similarly to the original manuscript by the Google form link provided in the website.

Files for submission
Files have to be submitted/uploaded as separate Microsoft Word Documents (or JPEG for Figures) as follows:

The main manuscript file SHOULD NOT contain any identifier of authors or their affiliations to allow double-blinded peer review.

1. Cover Letter with Rebuttal or Reply (Please include rebuttal or reply to comments/suggestions by reviewers/ editors. Authors should specifically mention here the changes made in the revised version).

2. First Page File

3. Revised Main Manuscript (without Authors’ names and affiliations) CLEAN COPY with embedded Tables and Figures.

4. Revised Main Manuscript (without Authors’ names and affiliations) with embedded Tables and Figures along with changes highlighted (in coloured text) or using the Track changes option in Microsoft Word.

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